Energy (General) in Mozambique | Web & Contacts Directory/Listing

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  Contacts and Web Directory/Listing Energy (General)



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Contact Phones : -,(+258) 823312297
Web Address

As you surely know, EDM is the Mozambican company with the noble and challenging mission of bringing electricity to all points of our Mozambique, the Pearl of the Indian Ocean, as President Guebuza usually says. It is, indeed, a rewarding mission of this institution, the development pillar of our country. Over the 37 years of its creation, its commitment, concentration and resources have been in pursuing this national desideratum. As a result of this engagement, today, 126 district capitals, 235 administrative posts and several Cities, Towns and Villages are linked to the National Grid. The number of EDM customers with access to electricity in 1977 was about 42,000 and there are currently over 1,300,000 customers connected to a connection rate of about 130,000 customers a year. Obviously, these indicators are smaller and we are not satisfied with them. Many million Mozambicans are still without electric power. The progress of Mozambique continues to be postponed many times because o


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Contact Phones : -,+258 21 351100
Web Address

The mcel - Mozambique Mobile is the first mobile operator in Mozambique. Founded in November 1997, mcel has been responsible for the growth of the mobile telephone service in Portugal. In recent years, the mcel has to stand out in their commercial offerings, continuing to lead in innovation of products and services and strengthening its sales force through a well-trained team of Corporate Managers, which are readily available to help it. On the other hand, its positioning in the Mozambican market has been reinforced by three pillars that support your brand strategy - a Mozambican, Happiness and connectivity, are present in a consistent and innovative in all its communication. The mcel was also the first operator in the country to provide access to advanced technologies as in the case of 3G and Blackberry, thus showing its commitment to remain the operator with the best services and offers to its customers

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