The Pharmaceutical Society of Uganda

The Pharmaceutical Society of Uganda

P.O.Box 3774 Kampala Uganda.,Pharmacy House, Plot 1847 Kyambogo Banda,Central,Kampala
Contact Phones: +256 414 348 796 / +256 392174280,+256 414 581679
Web Address:
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About The Pharmaceutical Society of Uganda

History and Background

The Pharmaceutical Society of Uganda is a body corporate established by the Pharmacy and drugs act of 1970 and Cap 280 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda. Over the last decade the society has doubled its numbers from 200 in 1999 to a membership of 465 at present.This comprises of Pharmacists working in Community Pharmacies, Hospitals, Pharma industries, Regulatory bodies, academia ,research organizations, drug procurement and distribution entities among others.

Governing Body

The society is governed by the Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Uganda. This consists of 12 members. The Secretary and Treasurer are Ex-officio members and are elected annually during the Annual general meeting.6 members of the Council are elected every 4 years by the Annual general Assembly while the remaining 4 are appointed by the Minister of health every 4 years. The President and the Vice President are elected from among the Council members. This democratic arrangement ensures autonomy in the running of Professional activities but at the same time provides adequate representation from both the Private and Public sector. 

The Administration

The   council discharges  its functions through the Secretary who is   responsible for the day to day running  of the society affairs and is   the Chief accounting officer. The Treasurer oversees  the finances of   the society. In addition the society has 3 full time employees  who   include a finance and administration manager, an administrative   assistant  and an office assistant.

Mandate of the Council

The Council is mandated under  Section 21 Cap 280 of the constitution of the republic of Uganda in ensuring  the highest practicable standards in the Practice of Pharmacy. It is duty of  the council to:

  • Regulate the practice by Pharmacists  and their assistants in Uganda
  • Arrange for the qualifying  examination of persons intending to become members of the society and intending  to Practice as Pharmacists in Uganda
  • Accredit training institutions  and approve courses of study for Pharmacy students
  • Maintain and publish a register of  pharmacists;
  • To supervise and regulate the  training,internship and transfer of pharmacy students and to make provision for  the registration of students;
  • To specify the class of persons who  shall have the right to train pharmacy students and specify the circumstances  in which any person of that class may be deprived of that right;
  • To maintain a library of books and  periodicals relating to pharmacy and allied subjects and to encourage the  publication of such books; and
  • To encourage research in the subject  of pharmacy and chemistry and generally to secure the well-being and  advancement of the profession of pharmacy.
  • Operate  a scheme (If needed) for the purpose of aiding distressed pharmacy students,  members or former members of the society, their widows or orphans.

[Compliances and Memberships/Affiliations]
Ministry of Health, Uganda (MoH)
Ministry of Health, Uganda (MoH)
Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB)
Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB)
Uganda Revenue Authority (URA)
Uganda Revenue Authority (URA)