Faulu Microfinance Bank

Faulu Microfinance Bank

-,Ngong Lane,Nairobi,Nairobi
Contact Phones: -,+254 20 3877290 /3 /7; 3872183/4; 3867503
Web Address: www.faulukenya.com
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About Faulu Microfinance Bank

Our products are developed as a result of extensive market research to ensure that we deliver good value products that make our customers happy. Each product and the product categories are carefully designed to address every aspect of a clients’ financial needs. It is the company’s commitment to serve the microfinance client with relevant products and transform their lives and those of their families. Our products provide the bridge to success for our clients and our staff - wadaraja’s are always ready to serve in giving Kenyans hope and a future as per Faulu’s vision

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