Multilateral Political Directorate (Multilateral Organisations)

Multilateral Political Directorate (Multilateral Organisations)

Newton Tower,Sir William Newton Street,Port Louis- Centrale,Port Louis
Contact Phones: -,405 2571??
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About Multilateral Political Directorate (Multilateral Organisations)

The Directorate looks after multi-lateral and pluri-lateral discussions, negotiations and relationships. Issues are usually cross-cutting and are followed at various levels. They range from peace and security, human rights to sustainable development, climate change to piracy and international terrorism. International Organisations the Directorate work with include the United Nations (UN), through its various bodies (the UN General Assembly, the UN Security Council and the Economic and Social Council), the UN agencies (such as the UNESCO, UNICEF, FAO etc), Hague-based institutions (such as the International Court of Justice, International Criminal Court, Permanent Court of Arbitration and the Hague Convention on Private International Law (HCCH)), the African Union (AU), the Commonwealth, the Francophonie, the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), the G77 and the Community of Portuguese-Language Speaking Countries (CPLP).
[Compliances and Memberships/Affiliations]