Polytechnic Institute

Polytechnic Institute

Centro Cultural Académico Montalto - Chimoio Rua Dr. Araujo de Lacerda, CP 417,Centro Cultural Académico Montalto - Chimoio Rua Dr. Araujo de Lacerda, CP 417,Pagué,Príncipe
Contact Phones: +258 84559733 ou +258 825210888,+258 84559733 ou +258 825210888
Web Address: www.ispm.ac.mz/
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About Polytechnic Institute

The ISPM's mission is to promote economic and social development of local communities, the region and the country through technical and vocational education, oriented education to the economy, the business incubation as well as the provision of professional services. Role and objectives The duties and objectives of ISPM: Contribute through training of qualified Mozambican technicians in the national growth efforts in the rates of economic growth and to combat absolute poverty in the country; Train skilled professionals who are able to respond to the development needs of production and creating intellectual and material related to their fields of study and training; Contribute to the provision of needs of local communities by providing services that fall under the remit of a) and b) of this Article; Contribute to the promotion of the generation, transfer and dissemination of knowledge and technology for sustainable development local, regional and national lev
[Compliances and Memberships/Affiliations]