JJT Accountants

JJT Accountants

1st Floor, Vyfster Building, 18 Duvenhage Avenue, Edleen, Kempton Park, 1619,South Africa,Central,Johannesburg
Contact Phones: +27 87 897 5662,+27 87 897 5662
Web Address: www.jjtacc.co.za
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About JJT Accountants

JJT Accountants - We take care of your accounting & auditing, so you can grow your Business.Many business entities find themselves in a situation where they are running blind with regards to finances. They don't have the financial information to make informed decisions. If not addressed, this could lead to disastrous failure of the business due to inappropriate decision making. We founded JJT because we recognised this need, and love helping our clients succeed. From experience we know that many of our clients do not have a Financial Manager or Financial Director, and cannot afford to appoint a person to fulfil this function on a full time basis. This is what makes us unique in our service offering as we bring solutions that combine the roles of the internal Financial Manager/Director, and Internal Auditor. We have a passion for Franchise Groups where we do extensive research and put systems in place to do Store / Outlet reviews; we custom-build Discounted Cash flow Models and Benchma
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