Potential Management Centre

Potential Management Centre

Cape Road,Kiruddu - Ggaba,Munyonyo,Kampala
Contact Phones: +256 772 466 876,+256 414 385 299
Web Address: www.potmac.com
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Human Resource Development and Training

Experts have identified attitude as one of the most challenging aspect of performance. This program breaks down high result attitude areas that will transform the quality of results in your team. Th [More.. ]
This program will expose the customer service teams to emerging ideas and practices in effective customer care. 5 STAR CUSTOMER CARE™ program will give your team an edge in this competitive busines [More.. ]
The TOP PERFORMANCE PROGRAM™ is a unique training orientation that exposes and helps professionals master the top Key Result Areas within which excellent performance of any team lies. POTMAC has des [More.. ]