Universities in Burkina Faso | Web & Contacts Directory/Listing

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  Contacts and Web Directory/Listing Universities


University of Ouagadougou

03 BP 7021, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, .
Contact Phones : +226 25 30 70 64,+226 50-30-70-64 / 65
Web Address :www.univ-ouaga.bf

The University of Ouagadougou, like universities in the sub-region has experienced difficult years. Since the advent of the overhaul in 2000, it works to regain its influence and its former glory. Thanks: to the dynamism of its faculty that is predominantly young, the results of the CAM are eloquent: the relative social peace and political stability prevailing in the country for several years; the spirit of dialogue and cooperation that prevails between all stakeholders (policy makers, teachers, students, administrative, technical, and support workers); the implementation of modern management techniques (computers and internet communication).

Université de Koudougou University of Koudougou

376 Koudougou Boulkiemdé Burkina Faso, BP 376 Koudougou Boulkiemdé Burkina Faso
Contact Phones : +226 (50) 44 01 22,+226 (50) 44 01 22
By Decree No. 2005-460 / PRES / PM / MESSRS / MFB of August 31, 2005 is created the University of Koudougou following the dissolution of the Ecole Normale Superieure in Koudougou. The existence of the Ecole Normale Superieure in Koudougou was undoubtedly a positive asset and an essential basis in building and structuring the new University. Human heritage, physical and experimental of ENSK were important achievements and corner materials that have been taken advantage of and that enabled the expeditious establishment of the new university structures. In addition, it is the skills and resources of this school that have been leveraged to conduct the feasibility study and produce the basic texts on the creation of the University of Koudougou. The creation of the University of Koudougou is part of the dynamics of redefining the role and mission of university structures in the direction of the full participation of the latter's socio-economic development of Burkina Faso. It also makes

Université Polytechnique de Bobo-Dioulasso Bobo-Dioulasso Polytechnic University

1091 Bobo-Dioulasso Houet Burkina Faso, BP 1091 Bobo-Dioulasso Houet Burkina Faso
Contact Phones : +226 (20) 98 06 35,+226 (20) 98 06 35
Web Address :www.univ-bobo.bf
Overview of facilities The Polytechnic University of Bobo-Dioulasso includes a school and four institutes each placed under the responsibility of a director assisted by a Deputy Director. Schools and institutes are teaching and research facilities with several departments within them opening on various specialties. Institute of Information Technology (ESI) University Institute of Technology (IUT) Institute of Rural Development (IDR) Institute of Natural Sciences and Life (ISNV) Institute of Exact and Applied Sciences (ISEA) Higher Institute of Health Sciences (INSSA

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