Universities in Kingdom of Eswatini | Web & Contacts Directory/Listing

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  Contacts and Web Directory/Listing Universities


Southern Africa Nazarene University

P.O. Box 6800, Manzini, Swaziland , Manzini, Swaziland
Contact Phones : +268 76435765 or +268 78040298,+268 25055749
Web Address :www.sanu.ac.sz/
Southern Africa Nazarene University Southern Africa Nazarene University currently offers programmes which are highly responding to the needs of different sectors in the Kingdom of Swaziland and the Southern Africa Region. These programmes will give the graduate industry ready skills to impact and bring a positive change where they will practise.

Swaziland Charistian University

Po Box A624 Swazi Plaza Mbabane Kingdom of Swaziland , Swazi Plaza Mbabane
Contact Phones : +268,+268 2472 8157
Web Address :www.scusz.ac
Swaziland Christian University Following 8 years of intensive preparations under God’s gracious guidance, SCU makes historical first step toward stimulating potential of youth for “better Africa”. Swaziland Christian University will be benchmarked amongst the best Medical, ICT and Allied Health Colleges on the global stage that are at the forefront of Medical and scientific research.

University of Swaziland

Private Bag 4 • Kwaluseni Swaziland , Kwaluseni • M201 • Swaziland
Contact Phones : +268,+268 2517-0000
Web Address :www.uniswa.sz/
The University of Swaziland (UNISWA), which is comprised of three Campuses at Kwaluseni, Luyengo and Mbabane, was established in 1982 by an Act of Parliament of the Kingdom of Swaziland with a mandate to teach, conduct research and carry out community service. The University offers Certificate programmes, Diplomas, Bachelor's degrees, Master's degrees and PhD degrees.

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