P.O.Box 26320 Kampala - Uganda, Plot 13B , Amadinda House - Parliament Avenue
Contact Phones : +256 752 777422,+256 414 348557
Heritage Coffee Co. Ltd. has been building value together with our customer partners since 1980. Founded by a pioneer in the coffee industry, Stuart Daw, the fundamental principles that have guided Heritage Coffee’s success have been outstanding value, an obsession for consistent quality, and a comprehensive resource for all-things coffee. Stuart’s skill as a one of the most talented coffee cuppers ever, and passion for the coffee industry, have been handed down to Heritage Coffee’s team of dedicated coffee professionals who continue to exemplify these founding principles today.
From a humble start, we have grown from a regional roaster to selling internationally from our 38,000 square foot production facility in London, Ontario supported by our two distribution centres in Montreal and Vancouver. Our vision is to make Heritage Coffee the premier custom private label roaster for the North American coffee industry