Business Support Services in South Sudan | Web & Contacts Directory/Listing

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  Contacts and Web Directory/Listing Business Support Services


South Sudan Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture

-, Adjacent to Summer Palace Hotel
Contact Phones : -,+211955908673

The South Sudan Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, SSCCIA is the umbrella body representing and advocating for the private sector in the Republic of South Sudan. 

It is a membership based organization, whose foundation dates back to 2003, in Rumbek, one of the then Sudan People Liberation Army liberated areas.


The South Sudan Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture

-, Adjacent to Summer Palace Hotel
Contact Phones : -,+211955908673

The South Sudan Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, SSCCIA is the umbrella body representing and advocating for the private sector in the Republic of South Sudan. 

It is a membership based organization, whose foundation dates back to 2003, in Rumbek, one of the then Sudan People Liberation Army liberated areas.


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