Kenana Sugar Company

Kenana Sugar Company

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About Kenana Sugar Company

Message from MD

Having grown up in Kenana since my graduation and working my way up to the current position, I have passionately witnessed the remarkable progress achieved by Kenana over the last 30 years.   During this period, Kenana has firmly established itself as one of the biggest integrated and diversified sugar complexes in the world.   Kenana has reached this stage due to unstinting and continuous support from its Shareholders and vigorous efforts exerted by management teams since its inception and truly fulfilled the vision of the founding fathers to become Renewable Green Source of Food and Energy.


From one acre of sugar cane, Kenana has perfected its unique diversified model by successfully integrating around the core sugar business other value added agro-industrial projects such as animal feed, bio-fuels, milk and dairy products, poultry, meat, woody products from the commercial forests, certified seeds and other engineering goods and services.  This is all fed by a co-generation project capable of producing 75 MW of electricity using bagasse.



Social developmental dimension is another integral part that comes naturally with Kenana as all of its operational activities are located in rural areas.   Part of Kenana’s initial investment was directed towards that purpose which has transformed the barren land into a modern living community with amenities such as water treatment plants, roads and an airstrip, hospitals and clinics, schools and colleges, mosque, gardens and play grounds etc.  Kenana’s role in social development has not restricted only to the populace associated with it, but served thousands of people beyond the boundaries of Kenana estate and improved their lifestyles.  This has effectively reversed the trend of migration from urban to rural areas, thereby decreasing the social and economical burden on the townships.


The achievements and milestones garnered by Kenana have not deterred its management in thinking ahead.  The Kenana 2020 Vision under implementation is expected to take the Company to the next level of worldwide conglomerate which shall include an Export Terminal at Port Sudan, New Sugar Refinery and creation of new subsidiaries and investment opportunities. Kenana is also leading a national role by presenting National Grand Sugar Plan which shall make Sudan one of the biggest sugar producers and exporters in the world.   It has recently launched an ambitious Mahaseel Agricultural Investment Fund and currently managing mega agricultural schemes for the production of grains and oilseeds.


With the unrelenting support of our Shareholders, dedication of the management and workforce, and going by the resounding success over the past 30 years,our vision  to become a leading diversified global agro-industrial conglomerate is emerging into reality.



Major Milestones

The roots of Kenana Sugar Company (KSC) go back to the 1970s when Sudan was identified as one of the countries that could potentially help meet the food supply shortage. This is because Sudan is blessed with resources such as vast tracts of land suitable for cultivation and agricultural production, abundant water supply from the Nile, the Blue Nile and the White Nile, bountiful rainfall and huge reservoir of underground water. All this pledged on turning Sudan into the world’s breadbasket to achieve food security.


Major Milestones

On June 9, 1972, the Sugar Agreement was signed between the Government of Sudan and Lonrho Limited to do a feasibility study on the establishment of a large sugar company. The Founders’ Agreement was signed in February 1975 to form the company with a crushing capacity of 17,000 MT of cane per day to produce 300,000 MT of sugar by 1978-79. The Government allocated 168,000 Acres of land at concessional price, and granted customs and taxation concessions to the company. 


Production Site Location

Production Site LocationKSC production site is located approximately 270 KM south to Khartoum (latitude 33.67 E, longitude 13.17 N) at an elevation of 410 m above sea level. The soil of the state is predominately base-saturated heavy textured vertisolas (60 to 70 % clay) of at least 2 meter depth with high CEC (typically over 50 C mol/kh) and pH greater than 7.5. The state lies on an area of extensive clay plains between the White and blue Niles, leading to a predominantly flat topography with a gentle slope towards the White Nile. The mean annual rainfall is 378 mm. The rainy season is usually from May to October, and the mean maximum temperature ranges from 40 °C in April to 31 °C in August. Mean minimum temperature range from 24 °C in May/June to 15 °C in January.



The sugar factory and other plants are built amid corporate cane farm, providing an ultimate model of agro-processing industry in a rural setting. In that sense, KSC site is not just a sugar complex, but a township within a large estate, where basic needs of the staff and their dependents are met by the company. 



Vision & Mission



Renewable green source of food and energy. Achieving food security to the Arab world & beyond 





Kenana activities involved the following set of objectives: 


Sugar, food and agricultural products


Knowledge Leader in Technical solutions

Expert Regional Project Delivery Partner

Engineering, Manufacturing and Fabrication

Sustainable integrated solutions for agri-business

Social and Developmental dimensions

Enhancing and Conserving the environment

Leader in the development of agriculture projects in Sudan, with a track record of developing close to 1 million acres into production to date.



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