Safari Apartment, KM5, Rd, Hodan District, Mogadishu.,.,Central,mogadishu
Contact Phones: +252 617 328 658 ,+252 617 328 658
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About SATG

Striving for peace and prosperity through sustainable agricultural development . SATG is a registered non-profit association of Somali professionals and friends of the country dedicated to assisting in the reconstruction of Somalia and its agricultural heritage. SATG was established to provide sustainable home-grown solutions to alleviate the rampant food shortages caused by conflict and the lack of agriculture and food policy. SATG draws upon a mix of both practical and scientific expertise that trickles down to the grassroots. All work and studies undertaken by SATG have real world practical applications. These studies are conducted in key target areas working in co-operation with partners and local farmers. Agriculture including livestock is the backbone of the Somali economy. Pre-war figures indicate that 67% of the country’s GDP came from Livestock, agriculture and fisheries. SATG envisions a future where agriculture will not only play a crucial role in reconciliation and rebuilding in Somalia but be a key component in the rejuvenated Somali economy. This will go a long way towards solving both social and economic problems. Mission: To strive for peace and prosperity through sustainable agricultural development. Goals • Conservation: Safeguard the institutional memory of Somali agriculture, particularly in times of statelessness or civil strive. • Development: Assist agriculture communities to access appropriate and affordable agricultural technology. • Education and Research: Assist in re-establishing and sustaining agricultural education and research centers. • Networking: Cooperate with international, national, regional, and local communities in the sustainable development of Somali agriculture, and conservation of the natural resource base.

[Compliances and Memberships/Affiliations]