Tsoka Haulage

Tsoka Haulage

-,48 Rhodesville Ave,Greendale,Harare
Contact Phones: +263772930291,-
Web Address: www.tsoka.co.zw
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About Tsoka Haulage

You need a carrier that reliably ships your cargo from point to point regardless of distance. As the world progresses into the future, it is increasingly becoming a pre-requisite that your service provider adopts the ever evolving and advancing technology, turning traditional methods into smart, easy-to-access, user-friendly and inclusive solutions. Tsoka is an indigenous Shona word which means feet. We have embraced this metaphor as a promise to our clients that with the great strides that are taking freight technology into the future, we continually endeavor to be consistent in providing you hassle-free, reliable and inclusive service.
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