.,Arcades Gallery 59, Chaussee PL Rwagasores,Bujumbura Mairie,Bujumbura Mairie
Contact Phones: .,+257 22 27 94 57
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About UMWIZIGIRWA Services

The company is registered under NIF: 4000152209, RC 85601 and is a social enterprise involved in the development of small employment, particularly the activities of the sector of personal assistance services which include in our case domestic work, childcare work sick, cleaning, building maintenance / gardening and babysitting work.

UMWIZIGIRWA Services was created in a context of great poverty and unemployment in Burundi where more than 80% of Burundi of working age evolve in the informal sector. The initiative to set up our company was born from the desire to help these people, most of whom are dynamic young people, to find a professional reference, to be informed, trained and supported for their socio-economic integration. through professionalization and the development of small jobs until then considered as precarious jobs.

[Compliances and Memberships/Affiliations]