Abdeen Transport Services

Abdeen Transport Services

Building No 14. Nasr City,El Sheikh Mohamed El Nady St.,Nasr City,Cairo
Contact Phones: +2 011 55 55 138,+2 02 227 548 54
Web Address: www.abdeen-egypt.com
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About Abdeen Transport Services

In order to ensure a comprehensive and reliable line of services, Abdeen Co. offers insurance services in association with one of the major insurance companies in Egypt. The company’s logistics experts plan and supervise the entire transport process down to the most intricate of details including the precise adjustments of the physical infrastructure to accommodate any project. Abdeen Co. For Import & Export , international Transport , Packing and Custom Clearance will be pleased to introduce to you a glimpse of our activities and services plus the advantages we offer .We boasts our professional teamwork which achieve your goals through its high qualification and skills.
[Compliances and Memberships/Affiliations]