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The Bluepump

Product Information

Bluepump in Africa

Volanta Afripump ® / Bluepump the new manual water pump, based on  Volanta ® technology, is the result of years of experience and use of Volanta® pumps in Africa. Since Bluepump is based on the Volanta ® model  the pump doesn't have any parts that need to be changed after 1 or 2 years, as with certain other pumps. From experience, with the Volanta® pump, we know that the Bluepump is developed to last up to 25 years. 


The Bluepump PVC 70/80 mm pipes can also be used directly as the casing and the screening for borehole, therefore there is no requirement for additional 4 ″ - 4.5 " PVC casing or screening. Bluepump is also adapted for borehole rehabilitations and replacing existing pumps.



The core of the Bluepump is the maintenance-free Beers Pumping System © (BPS). The BPS comprises a stainless steel cylinder with a conical top that fits inside a conical seat in the 70/80 mm PVC pipes. The cylinder holds a Teflon piston and an inversed stabilized free floating foot valve. The piston has a stainless steel ball valve inside but no rubber seals; the BPS therefore needs no maintenance. 


The BPS has a nylon rope attached to the cylinder for easy installation and for security of the pvc pipes.


The Bluepump can be equipped with a Volanta T-piece that enables to fill up a water tank up to 5 m height.


A thin turbulent layer of water between the cylinder and the piston creates a hydraulic lock and lubricates the piston movement. Pumping is therefore smooth and light, even at 100 m. depth. The Bluepump can handle all water qualities as all parts that are in contact with water are made from PVC or high grade corrosion free materials. 


Bluepump maintenance is limited to checking the bolts and some greasing from time to time. For inspection, the complete BPS can be lifted out with the rods while all PVC pipes remain in the borehole. 


Normally 40 Bluepumps each with 40 meters of PVC piping can fit into a 20" container.

The Bluepump | Central Africa Republic


Bluepump in Africa Volanta Afripump ® / Bluepump the new manual water pump, based on Volanta ® technology, is the result of years of experience and use of Volanta® pumps in Africa. Since Bluepump is based on the Volanta ® model the pump doesn't have any parts that need to be changed after 1 or 2 years, as with certain other pumps. From experience, with the Volanta® pump, we know that the Bluepu

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