Alcoholic Drinks

- Asmara Brewery

Order Products Online - Asmara Brewery Corporation S.C. was originally established during the Italian colonial period, to start with, to produce alcoholic drinks (liquor) on a small scale.

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Product Information

Distillation is vaporization of a liquid and subsequent condensation and liquefaction of the vapours. Ethyl alcohol (Ethanol) is the main product of distillation. Ethyl Alcohol is generally referred to as Distilled spirit or Neutral spirit. It can be produced from four types of raw materials:- • Saccharine material: sugar solution derived from sugar cane, molasses, fruits, sugar • Beets, sorghum. • Starchy material: cereal grain, potatoes etc. Cellulose material: wood pulp, corn cops and stalks sulphite waste liquor from paper industry. • Hydrocarbon gases: ethylene, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen mixture.

Alcoholic Drinks | Eritrea

Asmara Brewery

Our Liquors are, Asmara Zibib, Asmara Gin, Asmara Cognac and Asmara Fernet

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