Exotic Hardwoods

- Bedson Timbers

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Exotic Hardwoods

More about Bedson Timbers

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The wholesale division provides raw material to furniture manufacturers, cabinetmakers, joinery and kitchen manufacturers in bulk volumes, but we also cater for smaller volumes for clients who needs timber for a hobby etc.

We stock timber species from all continents with the main species being of American, Asian and African origin. We strive to achieve good quality products of the highest standards possible. In line with the grading rules that apply from those countries origina.

As an example, we include American timber grading rules (Oak, Maple, Cherry, Ash, Beech, Pau Marfim, Colorado) and the Asian grading rules (Meranti, Balau, Merbau, etc). There are no specific African grading rules for hardwoods, but as a guideline Bedson uses two qualities based on defects, and sapwood presence in a board, as is the case of Kiaat, Rosewood and Teak.

Exotic Hardwoods | South Africa

Bedson Timbers

Exotic Hardwoods

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