Service Information
How do I Complain against a Lawyer?
You are advised to make a written complaint to the Executive Secretary. To speed up the process your written complaint should give out all relevant details and where possible attach relevant documents in support of the same. Kindly provide your full contact details including, full name, phone number, e-mail address and postal address to facilitate for return communications and updates. You can also complete the complaint form by clicking here
How do I choose a Lawyer?
The Law Society does not assist anyone in choosing lawyers but encourage people to choose lawyers they are comfortable with. You can choose these lawyers in terms of charges and their experience. Available for a small fee is a directory for all registered lawyers in private practice or you can search for the lawyers.
I have just attained my LLBs degree and transcript from foreign university, what next?
The first step in converting a foreign LLBS qualification in order for one to be registered as a legal practitioner in Zimbabwe is to go to the Council for Legal Education. Their offices are situated at Number 7, Waterhill Avenue Eastlea, Harare. Tel: 04 2788446/7 or 0715 036 315 or you can visit their website
Are there any tutorials and learning materials for conversion exams?
Currently there are no formal tutorials in respect of the Bar Conversion Exams. The LSZ has, however, developed a full set of tutorial manuals canvassing all areas on the syllabus for exams. These will shortly be available to candidates at a nominal cost recovery price. The reason the LSZ is doing this is because it carries a mandate in terms of section 53 of the Legal Practitioners Act [Chapter 27:07] to provide means of securing efficiency and responsibility on the part of those seeking registration in Zimbabwe. Accordingly the project to come up with Bar Conversion Exam Tutorial Manuals is not a profit making venture but a response to an identified gap in terms of the provisions of the law.
When are the conversion exams offered?
Exams are offered every year in June and November, registration is generally open a month before exams but it is crucial to submit your application in advance. Kindly consult the Council for Legal Education offices well before your preferred month of sitting to avoid any disappointments.
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Lawyer Q&A - Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe
Law Society of Zimbabwe
How do I Complain against a Lawyer? You are advised to make a written complaint to the Executive Secretary. To speed up the process your written complaint should give out all relevant details and where possible attach relevant documents in support of the same. Kindly provide your full contact details including, full name, phone number, e-mail address and postal address to facilitate for return communications and updates. You can also complete the complaint form by clicking here
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Lawyer Q&A - Zimbabwe
Law Society of Zimbabwe