Service Information

The advice given by the CFCIB goes to members and to public (State) and private partners in order to help achieve the important missions that the cfcib has set itself which are: Provide companies and other associations in the private sector with technical assistance services, specialized information advice, training and all development services for companies and professional organizations in the private sector; Contribute to the establishment of the conditions necessary for strengthening and access to commercial credit, the requirements of transparency, free competition, the establishment of tax legislation to encourage economic and social development and the fight against practices that undermine the stability of business; enhance the image of the private sector in general and professional organizations in the private sector by strengthening the ethics of entrepreneurship as well as its civic dimension; defend economic operators vis-à-vis all criminal practices that could harm the general business climate, participate in improving the business environment by formulating concrete proposals and projects to the Government in order to promote national investments or to attract international private investors to Burundi and monitor their impact on the economy; help connect national economic operators with partners in the sub-region and internationally; ensure cohesion and good understanding within the sectoral chambers that make it up and serve as arbitrator if necessary

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