Embassy Numbers In South Africa

South Africa Embassy Numbers
Albania (+27) 11 884 1617
Algeria (+27) 11 884 1617
ANGOLA (+27) 12 342 0049 and (+27) 12 3
Argentina 00 27 12 430 3516/ 3524
Australia 27 12 423 6000
Austria (+27) 12 45 29 155
Azerbaijan (+2712) 347 79 69
Belarus (+27) (12) 430-76-64 and (+27) (
Belgium +27 12 440 32 01
Benin (+27) 12 342 6978
Botswana +27) 12 430 9640
Brazil (+27) 12 366 5200
Bulgaria +27 12 342 37 20
Burundi (+27) 12 342 4881
Cameroun (+27) 12 460-0341
Canada (011 270 12) 422 3000
Central Africa Republic (011 27 11)442 3130
Chile + 27(12) 460 8090/460 8089/460 4
China 0027-12-4316500
Colombia 009 2712 3420211 009 2712 342020
Comoros 012 342 0138
Costa Rica (0027) 11-705-3434
Croatia 0027 12 342 1206
Cuba (2712) 346 2215
Cyprus (+2721) 5528204
Czech Republic 002712 4312380
Denmark +27 12 430 9340
Ecuador +27 12 3461662
Egypt (+2712)3431590 - 3431591-
Eritrea +27-12-333-1302
Ethiopia (002712) 3463542
Finland (27-21) 461 4732, 461 1329
France [27] (11) 77 85 600
Gabon (27-11) 342 4376
Germany 27 12 427 89 00
Greece (002712) 3427136-7
Hungary +27 12 430-30-30 / +27 12 342-32
India 031 - 332 7020
Indonesia (27-21) 761 7015
Iran +27 (012) 342 58 80 / +27 (012)
Iraq 002712 - 3622012
Ireland +27-12-342-5062
Isreal 012-470-3500; 012-348-6389
Italy 0027124230000
Jamaica 27 12 362 6667/ 27 12 366 8500
Jordan 27-12-342-8026 / 7
Kenya + 27 12 3622249, 3622250, 362225
Malawi (2712) 342 0146/ 342 1759/430 99
Mali (+27-12) 3427464, 3420676
Malta 0027 031 572 2041
Morocco (+27) 12 343 0230 / 49
Mozambique (+27-12) 4010300/4, 3261101
Namibia (+27) 12-481-9100
Netherlands + 27 - (0)12 - 425 4500
Norway +27 21 425 16870
Pakistan (+27-12) 3624072/3
Paraguay (+27) 12 347 1047 - 48
Phillipines (2712) 346-0451/2; 346-2468
Rwanda (+27) 12 342 6536
Senegal (+27-12) 4605263
Sweden +27 (12) 426 64 00
Tanzania +27 12 342 4371 / 93
Uganda (+27) (12) 342-6031 / 3
United Kingdom (UK) +27 12 421 7500
USA (27-12) 431-4000
Zambia (+27-12) 326 1847 /54
Zimbabwe 012 342 5125