9 Services Found
Industrial Agriculture

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  • AGT Group

    AGT Group

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  • Consultancy in passion fruit growing

    Master Garden Varieties

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  • Mentoring in mushroom as a business - African Mushroom Growers (U) Ltd

    African Mushroom Growers (U) Ltd

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  • Sales and Marketing of passion fruits

    Master Garden Varieties

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  • Training in growing passion fruits

    Master Garden Varieties

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  • Training in Mushroom growing - African Mushroom Growers

    African Mushroom Growers (U) Ltd

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  • Training in mushroom post-harvest handling - African Mushroom Growers

    African Mushroom Growers (U) Ltd

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  • Training in mushroom spawn production - African Mushroom Growers (U) Ltd

    African Mushroom Growers (U) Ltd

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  • Training in mushroom value addition - African Mushroom Growers (U) Ltd

    African Mushroom Growers (U) Ltd

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AGT Group |

AGT Group

AGT produces tissue cultured plantlets of different crops like bananas, coffee, tea, cassava, yams etc, ornamentals and forest trees. These plantlets are of high quality and are produced in large quantities over a short period of time.

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Consultancy in passion fruit growing |

Master Garden Varieties

Consultancy on: • Pest and disease Management • Market for produce • Fertilisers and their Application

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Mentoring in mushroom as a business - African Mushroom Growers (U) Ltd |

African Mushroom Growers (U) Ltd

At African Mushroom Growers (U) Ltd we mentor in mushroom cultivation - of Button Mushrooms and Oyster Mushrooms - as a business. Our mentoring involves guiding and supporting individuals or businesses through the various stages of starting and running a successful mushroom cultivation enterprise.

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Sales and Marketing of passion fruits |

Master Garden Varieties

Sales and marketing of: • Seedlings • Passion fruits

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Training in growing passion fruits |

Master Garden Varieties

1. Training in: • Passion fruit growing • Nursery Management • Grafting and Cloning

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Training in Mushroom growing - African Mushroom Growers |

African Mushroom Growers (U) Ltd

At African Mushroom Growers (U) Ltd we conduct professional trainings in mushroom growing of button mushrooms and oyster mushrooms. The training encompasses both theoretical knowledge and practical skills to successfully cultivate these mushrooms.

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Training in mushroom post-harvest handling - African Mushroom Growers |

African Mushroom Growers (U) Ltd

At African Mushroom Growers (U) Ltd we train in mushroom post-harvest handling of Button Mushrooms and Oyster Mushrooms - an essential to ensuring the quality, safety, and marketability of the harvested mushrooms. This training involves several key areas, combining theoretical knowledge with practical skills.

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Training in mushroom spawn production - African Mushroom Growers (U) Ltd |

African Mushroom Growers (U) Ltd

At African Mushroom Growers (U) Ltd we conduct training in mushroom spawn production involves a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The training is for Button mushrooms and Oyster Mushrooms.

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Training in mushroom value addition - African Mushroom Growers (U) Ltd |

African Mushroom Growers (U) Ltd

At African Mushroom Growers (U) Ltd - training in mushroom value addition, specifically for Button Mushrooms and Oyster Mushrooms - involves imparting knowledge and skills to transform basic mushroom products into higher-value items that can fetch better prices and meet diverse consumer needs.

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