Government Support Institutions in Uganda | Web & Contacts Directory/Listing

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  Contacts and Web Directory/Listing Government Support Institutions


Electricity Regulatory Authority(ERA)

P.O.Box 10332, Kampala, Uganda, ERA House, Plot 15 Shimoni Road, Nakasero
Contact Phones : Complaints Hotline: +256 200 506000 ,+256 414 341852, +256 393-260166
Web Address

The Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERA) is a government agency that regulates, licenses, and supervises the generation, transmission, distribution, sale, export, and importation of electrical energy in Uganda, the third-largest economy in the East African Community.

ERA was established in 2000, in accordance with the Electricity Act of 1999, as an agency of the Uganda Ministry of Energy, Oil and Mineral Development. This parastatal is governed by a five-member board, also known as the "Authority". The day-to-day affairs of the agency are supervised by the chief executive officer. Organizations and committees within the purview of the ERA include the Rural Electrification Board and the Electricity Consumer Committees.

Allied Health Professionals Council Uganda

P.O BOX 7272, Kampala, Uganda, AHPC Secretariat-Kiwatule, Kampala
Contact Phones : +256 706 345 688,+256 393 242 736
Web Address

The Allied Health Professionals Council is a body corporate established under the Allied Health Professionals Act Cap. 268 to regulate, supervise and control the training and practice of the Allied Health Professionals in Uganda.

The Council was established to protect the public by maintaining up-to-date registers of registered and licensed professionals, private health units and recognized training institutions which are published in the Uganda gazette every year.

All employers and the general public are encouraged to always refer to the registers at all times to prevent illegal practitioners or non-recognized health training institutions.

Civil Aviation Authority, Uganda

P.O.Box 5536, Kampala, Airport Road-Entebbe
Contact Phones : +256 312 352 000,+256 414 352 000
Web Address

The Civil Aviation Authority of Uganda (CAA) is the government agency responsible for licensing, monitoring, and regulating civil aviation matters. It is administered by the Uganda Ministry of Works and Transport.

The agency was created by an Act of Parliament in 1994 as a state agency of the Ministry of Transport, Housing and Communication. As of October 2016, it was under the Ministry of Works and Transport.

The mandate of the CAA is to coordinate and oversee Uganda's aviation industry, including licensing, regulation, air search and rescue, air traffic control, ownership of airports and aerodromes, and Ugandan and international aviation law. It also represents Uganda in an international capacity within the aviation community and in all other aviation matters. As of October 2016, the CAA managed Entebbe International Airport and 13 other airports.

Directorate of Industrial Training

P. O. Box 20050 Lugogo, Kampala, Uganda., Plot 97/99 Jinja Road/Corner, 3rd Street.
Contact Phones : +256 414 253704, +256 414 232124,256 414 259412, +256 414 251256 (ADMIN)
Web Address

The Directorate of Industrial Training (DIT) is a Ugandan quality assurance directorate offering nationally, regionally and internationally recognized quality assurance services for the Business, Technical, Vocational Education and Training (BTVET). DIT produces high quality assurance mechanisms with emphasis on qualification standards and equivalent ratings with a high level of professionalism recognized nationally, regionally and internationally.

Directorate of Public Prosecutions, Uganda

P.O. Box 1550, Kampala, Plot 1, Pilkington Road, Workers House, 11th & 12th Floor
Contact Phones : +256-794332041,+256 794332040
Web Address

The Directorate is an autonomous institution not subject to the direction or control of any person or authority. The exercise of DPP’s authority and mandate should have regard to public interest, the interest of the administration of justice and the need to prevent abuse of legal process. The DPP is part of the Justice Law and Order Sector (JLOS) whose mission is to ensure that all people in Uganda live in a safe and just society. The JLOS is one of the sectors created by the Sector Wide Approach (SWAP), which was initiated by the Government in 1998 to guide planning and budgeting and foster more coherence and coordination among sectoral-related Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) in their pursuit of national development.

Directorate of water development

P.O. Box 20026 Kampala, Uganda, Ministry of Water & Environment Plot 21/28 Port Bell Road, Luzira
Contact Phones : +256 414 505942,+256 414 220 374

The Directorate of Water Resources Management (DWRM) is responsible for managing and developing the water resources of Uganda in an integrated and sustainable manner in order to provide water of adequate quantity and quality for all social and economic needs for the present and future generations. The Directorate comprises of four departments namely Department of Water Resources Monitoring and Assessment, Department of Water Resources Planning and Regulation, Department of Water Quality Management and Department of International Transboundary and Water Affairs.  DWRM was established in July 2007 after a restructuring exercise of the new Ministry of Water and Environment.

Electoral Commission of Uganda

P.O.Box 22678,Kampala, Uganda, Electoral Commission, Plot 55 Jinja Road
Contact Phones : Toll Free Line: 0800200071,+256 414-337500, +256 312-262208/9/10/11
Web Address

The Electoral Commission was set up under Article 60 of the 1995 Constitution of The Republic of Uganda. It consists of the Chairman, Deputy Chairperson and five other members appointed by the President with the approval of Parliament and a Secretariat headed by the Secretary. 

Entebbe Municipal Council

Post office box 34, Entebbe, Uganda, Plot 2A Circular road Entebbe
Contact Phones : +256 772 489466,+256 414 696 186
Web Address

Entebbe is a city in Central Uganda. Located on a Lake Victoria peninsula, approximately 36 kilometres (22 mi) southwest of the Ugandan capital city, Kampala.Entebbe was once the seat of government for the Protectorate of Uganda prior to independence, in 1962. The city is the location of Entebbe International Airport, Uganda's largest commercial and military airport. Entebbe is also the location of State House, the official office and residence of the President of Uganda.

Equal Opportunities Commission, Uganda

P. O. Box 27672 Kampala, Uganda, Plot 7 Luthuli Close Bugolobi
Contact Phones : +256 414 223234,+256 414 223253
Web Address

The Equal Opportunities Commission is a statutory body established by an Act of Parliament to effectuate Article 32(3) and Article 32 (4) of the Constitution of Uganda. The Equal Opportunities Commission is mandated to eliminate discrimination and inequalities against any individual or group of persons on the ground of sex, age, race, colour, ethnic origin, tribe, birth, creed or religion, health status, social or economic standing, political opinion or disability, and take affirmative action in favor of groups marginalised on the basis of gender, age, disability or any other reason created by history, tradition or custom for the purpose of redressing imbalances which exist against them, and to provide for other related matters. Articles 32(3) and 32(4) of the 1995 Uganda Constitution provide as follows: Article 32(3): Notwithstanding anything in this Constitution, the State shall take affirmative action in favour of groups marginalised on the basis of gender, age, disability..

Financial Intelligence Authority

Rwenzori Towers, Nakasero Road, 4th Floor, Wing B
Contact Phones : .,+256) 0414-231556
Web Address

The establishment of a Financial Intelligence Authority and a Financial Intelligence Authority Board Under the Anti-Money Laundering Act, 2013 is for the prohibition and prevention of money laundering, in order to combat money laundering activities.

Health Service Commission(HSC)

P.O BOX 7452 Kampala-Uanda, Workers House, 3rd floor Pillkington Road
Contact Phones : -,+256 414 348501
Web Address

The HSC derives its mandate and functions from Article 169 of the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda; section 56(3) of the Local Government Act, CAP 243 and, the HSC Act, 2001 section 25(2). In the perspective of laws, the HSC was established in 1998 to address unique Human Resources for Health issues in the health service. Specifically, the Commission is mandated to appoint, confirm, promote and review the terms and conditions of service, training and qualifications of health workers. The Commission is also mandated to foster professional and work ethics, and exercise disciplinary control over the health workers under its jurisdiction.

Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Uganda(ICPAU)

Kamwokya, Plot 42,46 and 48 Bukoto Street,
Contact Phones : -,25641-4540125, 256312-262333, 25670-1540125
Web Address

The Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Uganda (ICPAU) is the national body for professional accountants in Uganda. We currently offer two qualifications leading one to one becoming a professional accountant (CPA Uganda) and an accounting technician (AT), which is a foundation of accountancy. Our qualifications are based on the IFAC / ISAEB guidelines thus providing our graduates with excellent foundation of core accountancy skills that meet international benchmarks. Our focus is to produce individuals who exhibit professional excellence, integrity, committed to serve, good governance and socially responsive to the environment in which they operate. As professional accountants we strive for ethical conduct and acting in public interest.

Judicial Service Commission(JSC)

P.O. Box 7679, Kampala, Uganda., Plot 16, Mackinnon Road, Lotis Towers, 6th - 8th Floor
Contact Phones : Toll Free Line: 0800100222,+256 414-344154/230058
Web Address

The Judicial Service Commission (the Commission) is an independent agency of the state established under the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda. It is a specialized appointing Commission enjoying broad oversight functions in relation to services delivered to the people by the Judiciary. The mandate and functions of the Commission are defined under Articles 146-151 of the Constitution. The Membership of the Commission is spelt out under Article 146 of the Constitution. It provides for a nine-member commission. The Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, and the Members are all appointed by the President with approval of Parliament. In summary, the composition of the Commission is as follows: * A full time Chairperson who is a person qualified to be appointed as a Justice of the Supreme Court; * A Deputy Chairperson (part time) who is a person qualified to be appointed as a Justice of the Supreme Court; * Six Members (part time) whose respective nomination is directly linked to spec

Justice Law and Order Sector (JLOS)

P.O. Box 7183, Kampala Uganda, Level 3, Baumann House, Parliament Avenue
Contact Phones : +256(414)-253 207,+256 – (0) 414-344 116
Web Address

JLOS is a sector wide approach adopted by the Government of Uganda to bring together institutions with closely linked mandates of administering justice and maintaining law and order and human rights, into developing a common vision, policy framework, unified on objectives and plan over the medium term. It focuses on a holistic approach to improving access to and administration of justice through the sector wide approach to planning, budgeting, programme implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The sector comprises of: Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs (MOJCA); Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA); The Judiciary; Uganda Police Force (UPF); Uganda Prison Service (UPS); Directorate of Public Prosecutions (DPP); Judicial Service Commission (JSC); The Ministry of Local Government (Local Council Courts); The Ministry of Gender, Labor and Social Development (Probation and Juvenile Justice); The Uganda Law Reform Commission (ULRC); The Uganda Human Rights Commission (UHRC); The

Kampala Capital City Authority(KCCA)

Apollo Kaggwa Road PO BOX 7010 Kampala - Uganda, City Hall, Plot 1-3
Contact Phones : Toll Free: 0800 99 00 00 ,0204 66 00 00 / 0204 66 00 49
Web Address

Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) is the legal entity, established by the Ugandan Parliament, that is responsible for the operations of the capital city of Kampala in Uganda. It replaced the Kampala City Council (KCC). We are also the institution charged with the responsibility of issuing Trade Licenses to any registered business that would like to operate in Kampala City. 

National Agricultural Advisory Services(NAADS)

P.O.Box 25235, Kampala, Uganda, Plot 5 Kyadondo Rd, Block B, Legacy Towers, Nakasero
Contact Phones : Toll Free Line: 0800230100,+256 312-178 300
Web Address

The National Agricultural Advisory Services Organization is a semi - autonomous public agency within the Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF), responsible for public agricultural advisory/extension services.The National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS) Programme was created in 2001 by an Act of Parliament to specifically address constraints of lack of access to agricultural information, knowledge and improved technology among rural poor farmers in the country. Following the recent reform of the Agricultural extension system, the Government restructured NAADS leading to among others refocusing of its mandate to supporting management of the agricultural input distribution chains, strategic interventions for value chain development focusing on the upper end of the commodity chains.

National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO)

P.O. Box 295, Entebbe, Uganda , Plot 3, Lugard Avenue, Entebbe
Contact Phones : 256 -414- 320341/2 ,256 -414- 320178, 256 -414- 320512
Web Address

The National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO) is the apex body for guidance and coordination of all agricultural research activities in the national agricultural research system in Uganda. NARO is a Public Institution established by an act of Parliament, which was enacted on 21st November 2005. NARO is a body corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal. NARO comprises of the council as its governing body, committees of the council as its specialised organs, a secretariat for its day-to-day operations with the semi-autonomous public agricultural research institutes under its policy guidance. The Mandate, Vision, the Mission, the Goal and the Values that guide the National Agricultural Research Organisation are derived from the Plan for Modernisation of Agriculture (PMA) NARO's Mandate “Coordinating, overseeing and guiding agricultural research in Uganda”. 

National Council of Sports, Uganda (NCS)

P.O. Box 20077, Lugogo, Plot 2-10, Coronation Avenue
Contact Phones : (+256) (414) 343 688/9,(+256) (414) 254 447
Web Address

National Council of Sports (NCS) is a statutory organ whose establishment, status and powers are enshrined under The NCS Act of 1964, to among other things; Develop, Promote and Control sports activities in Uganda on behalf of Government, under the Ministry of Education and Sports. The NCS which is linked to the Supreme Council for Sports in Africa (SCSA) and other relevant sports organizations serves as an apex organization that coordinates all sports activities in the country, in conjunction with National Sports Associations/Federations.

National Drug Authority(NDA)

P. O Box 23096, Kampala, Uganda, Plot 19 Lumumba Avenue (opposite TWED plaza)
Contact Phones : Toll Free: 0800 101 999,+256 417 788 100, +256 417 788 124
Web Address

The National Drug Authority (NDA) was established in 1993 by the National Drug Policy and Authority Statute which in 2000 became the National Drug Policy and Authority (NDP/A) Act, Cap. 206 of the Laws of Uganda (2000 Edition).


The Act established a National Drug Policy and National Drug Authority to ensure the availability, at all times, of essential, efficacious and cost-effective drugs to the entire population of Uganda as a means of providing satisfactory healthcare and safeguarding the appropriate use of drugs.

National Enterprise Corporation

P.O Box 3145, Kampala Uganda, Plot 2, Muwesi Road - Bugolobi.
Contact Phones : +256 777 517 120,+256 414 254 201, +256 414 233 469
Web Address

The National Enterprise Corporation (NEC) is a state-owned corporation in Uganda. It is the commercial arm of the Uganda People's Defence Force. NEC was established in 1989 by an Act of the Parliament of Uganda. Its investments and activities include agriculture, manufacturing, healthcare, services, and defense industry projects and companies. 

National Environment Management Authority of Uganda (NEMA)

P.O Box 22255, Kampala, Uganda, Plot 17/19/21 Jinja Road, NEMA House
Contact Phones : +256-414-251 068,+256-414-251 065
Web Address

The National Environment Management Authority of Uganda (NEMA), is a government agency responsible for the monitoring, coordinating, supervising and regulating the natural environment and the environmental policy of Uganda. NEMA advises the government of Uganda and spearheads the development of environmental policies, regulations, laws, guidelines and standards.

NEMA was established in May 1995 under the National Environment Act Cap 153 and became operational in December 1995. It is administered under the Uganda Ministry of Water and Environment.


National Forestry Authority Uganda(NFA)

P.O. Box 70863, Kampala - Uganda , Plot 10/20, Spring Road, Industrial Area, Bugolobi
Contact Phones : -,+256-312-264035/6
Web Address

Government of Uganda, in 1998 adopted a policy to restructure many government departments including the Forestry Department. It recognized an urgent need for a change in the policy, legal framework and institutions controlling forestry in the country. There was a sense of crisis about the state of the country's forests and a particular outcry at the state of the forest reserves, in the hands of the Forestry Department. The sensitization Forestry Department was no longer appropriate for the task and therefore a need for it to be divested. It was decided that a new institutional arrangement was needed hence the Forestry Inspection Division, the National Forestry Authority and the District Forestry Services were set up.

National Gaming Board Uganda

P.O.Box 5446, Kampala-Uganda, 4th floor, Communications House, Plot 1 Colville Street
Contact Phones : +256 414231648,+256 414231628, +256 414231638
Web Address

The National Gaming Board Uganda (NGBU) is a body corporate established under the Lotteries and Gaming Act No. 7 of 2016 which came into effect on 8th April 2016. The Act is supported by a set of 5 Regulations which came into effect on 27th May 2016. The law mandates the Board to licence and regulate the operations of lotteries, casinos and betting houses (Industry).

National Information Technology Authority Uganda (NITA-U)

P.O. Box 33151, Kampala - Uganda , Palm Courts, Plot 7A, Rotary Avenue (Former Lugogo Bypass)
Contact Phones : -,+256-417-801038
Web Address

The National Information Technology Authority-Uganda (NITA-U) is an autonomous statutory body established under the NITA-U Act 2009, to coordinate and regulate Information Technology services in Uganda. NITA-U is under the general supervision of the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MoICT).

National Medical Stores, Uganda

P.O Box 16, Entebbe, Plot 4-12 Nsamizi Road
Contact Phones : Toll free: 0800 12221;0800 200015 ,+256 417 104000, +256 414 320089
Web Address

The Uganda National Medical Stores, commonly referred to as National Medical Stores (NMS), is a government-owned organisation in Uganda, mandated to procure, store and distribute human medication and health-related consumable items to government-owned health units in all districts of Uganda.

NMS was created by the Ugandan legislature in 1993.


The agency is governed by a 15-person board of directors, which serves for a four-year renewable term.

National Planning Authority (NPA)

P.O Box 21434 Kampala, Uganda, PLANNING HOUSE PLOT 17B Clement Hill Road
Contact Phones : +256-312-310730, +256-414- 250229
Web Address

The National Planning Authority of Uganda, commonly referred to as the National Planning Authority (NPA), is a semi-autonomous national development planning organisation in Uganda and is owned by the government of Uganda.


The NPA was created by the Ugandan Parliament in 2002. The mission of the NPA is to produce comprehensive economic development plans for the country. NPA is also mandated to coordinate development planning in the entire country, and to advise the executive branch on the best policies and strategies for the development of the country. The agency is charged with the economic evaluation of public projects and programs, in collaboration with civil society and the private sector. It is also responsible for the development of local expertise in development planning nationally, and at district level.


One of the immediate planning goals is Uganda's attainment of middle-income status, with an annual per capita income of US$1,036

National Population Council , Uganda

P.O.BOX 2666, KAMPALA, Plot 9 Conville Street, Statistics House Colville St, Kampala
Contact Phones : -,+256 414 705400
Web Address

The National Population Council is a government agency that was established by an Act of Parliament in 2014 to coordinate the implementation of the National Population Policy and Population Programme, and to advocate for the integration of population factors in development planning in accordance with the agreed framework under the National Development Plan.

The National Population Council transitioned from the Population Secretariat that was established in 1988 as a semi-autonomous institution under the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development.

National Social Security Fund (NSSF) Uganda

P.O Box 7140, Kampala, Uganda, Plot 1 Pilkington Road, Workers House, 14th Floor
Contact Phones : Toll free: 0800 286 773,+256 313-331-755
Web Address

The National Social Security Fund (NSSF) is a quasi-government agency responsible for the collection, safekeeping, responsible investment, and distribution of retirement funds from employees of the private sector in Uganda who are not covered by the Government Retirement Scheme. Participation for both employers and employees is compulsory

National water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC)

P.O.Box 7053 Kampala., Plot 3, Nakasero
Contact Phones : +256 312-260 414/5.,+256-313 315 100
Web Address

The National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) is a water supply and sanitation company in Uganda. It is wholly owned by the government of Uganda.

NWSC was formed by Decree No. 34 in 1972 to serve the urban areas of Kampala, Entebbe, and Jinja. In 1995, NWSC was re-organized under the NWSC Statute. The company was given more authority and autonomy and the mandate to operate and provide water and sewerage services in areas entrusted to it, on a sound commercial and viable basis. As of October 2016, the following cities and towns receive services from NWSC:

Presidential Initiative on Banana Industrial Development (PIBID)

P. O. Box 35747 Kampala, Uganda, Plot 26A, Lumumba Avenue, Kampala
Contact Phones : +256 41 437105,+256-312-265 789
Web Address

The Presidential initiative on Banana Industrial Development (PIBID) is a pilot project of the Government of the Republic of Uganda under the Board & Management Committee (BMC), PIBID whose underlying theory of change is that rural farmers with access to science led-processing and value addition enterprises under patronage of H.E. the President of the Republic of Uganda will be able to rapidly access profitable market chains that supply local, regional and international markets resulting in increased household income. It is modeled around a rural Technology Business Incubator (TBI) and an Industrial Technology Park (ITP), models that have helped to transform economies in Europe, America and Asia. These enhance success of early stages of technology transfer and diffusion, and entrepreneurship among entrepreneurs, researchers & academics.

Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU)

Plot 43 , Nakasero Hill Road
Contact Phones : +256 312 261850,+256 312 263850
Web Address

PSFU is Uganda’s apex body for the private sector. It is made up of over 175 business associations, corporate bodies and the major public sector agencies that support private sector growth. Since its founding in 1995, PSFU has served as a focal point for private sector advocacy as well as capacity building and continues to sustain a positive dialogue with Government on behalf of the private sector.

Right from its inception PSFU has been Government’s implementation partner for several projects and programmes aimed at strengthening the private sector as an engine of economic growth. Such programmes include; the implementation of the Business Uganda Development Scheme (BUDS), the BUDS-Energy for Rural Transformation (ERT), Private Sector Competitiveness Projects, BUDS-DFID and now the BUDS – Agricultural Livelihood Recovery Programme (ALREP). Vision: To be the national lead partner in Private Sector development

Public Service Commission Uganda (PSC)

P.O.Box 7080, Kampala-Uganda, 2nd Floor, Farmers House, Parliament Avenue
Contact Phones : +256-414-342279,+256-414-342279
Web Address

The Public Service Commission (PSC) is established under the provisions of  Article 165(1) of the 1995 Constitution. In fulfillment of its functions under Article 166,  the Commission is required to make a report to Parliament in respect of each year’s performance of its functions.Under Article 166 (4) of the same Constitution, Parliament is required by law to empower the PSC to make regulations for the effective and efficient performance of its functions.

This is in addition to the provisions of Article 251 (1) which empowers the Commission to regulate its own procedure or confer powers or impose duties on any officer or authority of the Government for the purpose of discharging its functions.

Currently the PSC Regulations guide the Commission in the carrying out of its functions in addition to other relevant regulations such as the Standing Orders, Establishment Notices and Circulars that guide the management of the Public Service in general.

The Amnesty Commission Uganda

P.O.BOX 33956, KAMPALA, Plot 95 Buganda Road, next to Steak Out Buganda Road
Contact Phones : +256 414 595 945,+256 414 251 408

Amnesty commission was established to facilitate the implementation of the Amnesty Act of 2000.By the Act, any forces that are fighting the government and wish to give-up are free to report and will be forgiven when they denounce their activities.

The Insurance Regulatory Authority of Uganda (IRAU)

P.O Box: Kampala 22855, Legacy Towers, Block B, 2nd Floor. Street: Plot 5, Kyadondo Road, Nakasero.
Contact Phones : +256 414 346 712,+256 417-425500
Web Address

The Insurance Regulatory Authority of Uganda (IRA) was established under section 14 of the Insurance Statute 1996 now The Insurance Act,(Chap213) Laws of Uganda, 2000(Insurance Act)which came into effect on 4th April 1996 and commenced operations in April 1997.

The establishment of the Insurance Regulatory Authority of Uganda was a consequence of Government’s adoption of the liberalization and privatization policies which ended its role of directly engaging in the provision of goods and services and taking on the role of supervisor or regulator.

The Judiciary, Uganda

P. O. Box 7085, Kampala Uganda, Courts of Judicature High Court Building Plot 2, The Square
Contact Phones : 0- 800 -111 900, +256 - (0) 417- 892 900,+256 - (0) 414-344 116
Web Address

The Judiciary's mandate is found in Article 126 (1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda: "Judicial Power is derived from the people and shall be exercised by the Courts established   under this Constitution in the name of the people and in conformity with the law and with the values, norms and aspirations of the people." 

The Privatization Unit (PU)

Plot 1, 2nd and 11th Floor, Communications House , Colville Street
Contact Phones : -,+256 312 325600/20, +256 414 705600/20
Web Address

The Privatisation and Utility Sector Reform Project (PUSRP) was established in 2001 as a follow up project from Enterprise Development Project II (EDP) which ended in 2000. The project is a government of Uganda reform and divestiture initiative, which is part of a wider economic reform and recovery program initiated in the late 1980s. The project development objective is to improve the quality, coverage and economic efficiency of commercial and utility services, through privatisation, private participation in infrastructure (PPI), and an improved regulatory framework. To date 122 Public Enterprises (PE) have been divested leaving a balance of 36 enterprises, yet to be divested.

The Public Procurement Disposal of Public Assets Authority(PPDA)

P.O.Box 3925, Kampala Uganda, UEDCL Towers Plot 39 Nakasero Road
Contact Phones : +256(414)311100,+256-417-733800, +256-471-432010
Web Address

Role of the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority (PPDA)

The Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Act 1 of 2003 set up the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority (PPDA) as the principal regulatory body for public procurement and disposal of public assets in Uganda. The amendments to the PPDA law have introduced several changes prominent of which is the strengthening and enhancement of the role of PPDA in the execution of its regulatory mandate.

The Uganda National Cultural Centre(UNCC) & National Theatre

Plot 2, 4, & 6 , De – Winton Road
Contact Phones : 070 4 254 567 ,041 4 254 567

The Uganda National Cultural Centre (UNCC) is a Ugandan statutory body that was established by the Uganda National Cultural Centre Act, a 1959 Act of Parliament (amended 1965). Officially inaugurated on 2 December 1959, it is charged with:


providing and establishing theatres and cultural centres in the country.

encouraging and developing cultural and artistic activities.

providing a home to societies, groups and organisations that deal in art,culture and entertainment.

Uganda AIDS Commission (UAC)

P. O. Box 10779, Kampala, Plot 1, 3 Salim Bey Rd, Kampala
Contact Phones : .,+256-414 288065
Web Address

The Uganda AIDS Commission (UAC) is a national organization established by parliamentary statute in 1992. The Commission's main objective is to oversee the implementation of the national strategy to combat HIV/AIDS, adopted by the Government of Uganda in 1990.

Uganda Bureau of Statistics(UBOS)

P.O. Box 7186 Kampala, Uganda Bureau of Statistics Statistics House, Plot 9 Colville Street
Contact Phones : -,+256-414-706000
Web Address

The Uganda Bureau of Statistics ("UBOS") is an agency of the Ugandan government. Formed by an Act of Parliament in 1998, the agency is mandated to "coordinate, monitor and supervise Uganda's National Statistical System.


The agency is supervised by the Uganda Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. UBOS is governed by a seven-person board of directors. Its scope of work includes conducting a national population census at least once every 10 years or so. The last national census was conducted in August 2014.The exercise cost an estimated UGX:75 billion and created an estimated 150,000 temporary jobs. The agency also publishes regular economic surveys and forecasts, including the monthly inflation figures for the country.

Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA)

Plot 35 Jinja Rd Coffee House / P.O. BOX 7267, .
Contact Phones : (+256)-414-256940 / 312-260470 / Fax:,.

Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA) was established by an Act of Parliament 1991 and amended in 1994, Cap. 325 under the laws of the Republic of Uganda.

UCDA is established as a public Authority and its mandate is to promote and oversee the coffee industry by supporting research, promoting production, controlling the quality and improving the marketing of coffee in order to optimize foreign exchange earnings for the country and payments to the farmers.

It is a body corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal and is capable of suing or being sued in its corporate name.

UCDA Core Values In pursuit of its mission, UCDA will be guided by a commitment to team work, professionalism, and client focus while promoting integrity, accountability with foresighted leadership as central to its work.

Uganda Communications Commission (UCC)

P.O. Box 7376 Kampala, Uganda, UCC House, Plot 42 - 44, Spring road, Bugolobi
Contact Phones : + 256 414 339 000, Toll Free : 0800222777,+256 312 339 000
Web Address

The Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) is the government regulatory body of the communications sector in Uganda. Although owned by the Ugandan government, it acts independently. Its mandated responsibilities include licensing, regulation, communications infrastructure development and the expansion of rural communications service.

Uganda Deposit Protection Fund

P.O Box 37228, Kampala - Uganda., Plot 7, AHA Towers, 5th & 6th Floor, Lourdel Road
Contact Phones : +256 312 206 400,+256 312 206 400
Web Address

The Deposit Protection Fund (DPF) Is A Legal Entity Created By The Government of Uganda To Ensure That Depositors Are Paid Their Protected Deposits In The Event of Failure Of A Contributing Institution. 

The Uganda Deposit Protection Fund (UDPF) is a Ugandan government agency that provides deposit insurance to depositors in Ugandan banks and deposit-taking microfinance institutions. The DPF was created in July 1994. The law was amended in 2004 to create an independent agency, separate from the Bank of Uganda.

Uganda Development Corporation

Plot 23, Lumumba Avenue, Kampala, Floor 5, Soliz House
Contact Phones : + 256 312 393 800,+256 414 258 204
Web Address

Uganda Development Corporation (UDC) is set up by the Uganda Development Corporation Act of 2016 as the investment arm of the Government of Uganda for purposes of industrial and economic development of Uganda. The Corporation follows the Government Policy on industrial and economic development and UDC's activities are all aligned towards achieving the commitments in the National Development Plan, National Industrial Policy (2008) and Vision 2040. UDC as the Industrial and Development arm of the Government of Uganda is mandated to invest in strategic sectors of the economy in order to catalyze industrial and economic development.

Uganda Electoral Commission(EC)

P.O.Box 22678,Kampala, Uganda, Plot 55, Jinja Road , Kampala ,Uganda
Contact Phones : +256 312-262 208/9/10/11,+256 414-337 500
Web Address

The Electoral Commission of Uganda, also Uganda Electoral Commission, is a constitutionally established organ of the Government of Uganda, whose mandate is to "organise and conduct regular, free and fair elections" in the country, in an efficient, professional and impartial manner.


The Electoral Commission was set up under Article 60 of the 1995 Constitution of The Republic of Uganda. It consists of the Chairman, Deputy Chairperson and five other members appointed by the President with the approval of Parliament and a Secretariat headed by the Secretary. Details covering The Commissions establishment and mandate can be accessed in Articles 60 to 67 inclusive.

Uganda Export Promotion Board(UEPB)

Plot 37, Nakasero Road, 2nd Floor, UEDCL Tower
Contact Phones : +256 - 414 -230 233,+256 (0)414 230250

Uganda Export Promotion Board (UEPB) is a public trade promotion organization established by Parliamentary Statute No. 2 of 1996. At the time of formation, it was known as the Uganda Export Promotion Council (UEPC). It is an agency that is regulated and supervised by the Uganda Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives. The fundamental role of this institution is to facilitate the development and growth of export trade in Uganda.

The institution is technically headed by an Executive Director. It is organized into three operational divisions: (a) Market Research and Product Development, (b)Management Information Systems, Trade Promotions and Public Relations and (c) the Finance and Administration Division. Each of these three divisions is headed by a divisional director and has at least three desk officers.

Uganda Human Rights Commission(UHRC)

P.O Box 4929 Kampala, Plot No. 22 B Lumumba Avenue, Kampala
Contact Phones : +256 417 735 300,0800100766
Web Address

The Uganda Human Rights Commission (UHRC) serves to monitor and advance human rights in Uganda.


The UHRC is a body established under the 1995 Constitution Article 51 under the Bill of Rights found in Chapter four of the Constitution. It is based on the Paris Principles which are the guidelines for the establishment of a national human rights institution. Its mandate is spelled out in Article 52 of the Constitution.


The Commission is composed of a Chairperson and not less than three other persons, appointed by the President with the approval of Parliament. There are at this time seven commissioners. The Chairperson and Members of the Commission have to be persons of high moral character and proven integrity. They serve for a period of six years and are eligible for re-appointment.

Uganda Investment Authority(UIA)

TWED Plaza, Plot 22B, Lumumba , The Investment Centre
Contact Phones : +256-313-301 100,+256-414-301 000

The Uganda Investment Authority (UIA) is a semi-autonomous investment promotion and facilitation organisation in Uganda and is owned by the government of Uganda.

 The UIA was created by the Ugandan Parliament in 1991. The mission of the UIA is to promote and facilitate investment projects, provide serviced land, and advocate for a competitive business environment. The UIA works with the government and the private sector to promote the economic growth of Uganda through investment and infrastructure development.In 2016, the UIA was transferred from the finance ministry to the Uganda Ministry of Trade and Industry.

Uganda Land Commission (ULC)

P.O.Box 7096, Kampala, Uganda, PLOT 3-5 Portbell Road, Nakawa BLOCK “B” 4th Floor Nakawa Business Park
Contact Phones : -,+256 (0) 414 235 875/235 884
Web Address

The Uganda Land Commission (ULC) was established by the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda. The Constitution provides for the setting up of Uganda Land Commission as an autonomous body; and at the commencement of the financial year 2006/07, Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development created a vote for Uganda Land Commission. Arising out of the provisions of the Constitution, Parliament enacted laws that are contained in the 1998 Land Act, which regulate the operation of the Uganda Land Commission. The functions of the Uganda Land Commission are not decentralized but the Commission may liaise with the independent District Land Boards (DLB) with regard to Government land in the Districts.

Uganda Law Council

7th Floor Kampala - (Ug), Georgian House
Contact Phones : +256 414 341 673,-

About Uganda Law Council

To ensure constitutionalism, rule of law and due process are achieved, the Department of Law Council was setup with the following objectives;-


1.1 THE DEPARTMENT OF LAW COUNCIL The mandate of the department is “to act as the overall Regulatory Authority for the entire Legal Professional and Legal Aid service providers in Uganda”.

1.2 The Department of Law Council shall Conduct pre-entry examinations by August of each year.

1.3 Inspect Law Chambers and Issue a Certificate of Approval of Chamber (CAC) for chambers that conform to the required standards set by the Advocates (Inspection of Chambers) Regulations, 2005 within five (5) days after inspection.

1.4 Inspect Universities Offering Law Degree Programmes by Receive applications for accreditation of Universities or Institutions seeking to offer law degrees, check for compliance and forward to the Committee on Legal Education

Uganda Law Reform Commission(ULRC)

P.O. Box 12149, Kampala-Uganda, Workers House, 8th Floor Plot 1, Pilkington Road
Contact Phones : +256 414 341 138,+256 414 346 200
Web Address

The Uganda Law Reform Commission is established by Article 248 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda (1995) and the specific operational details are provided in the Uganda Law Reform Commission Act (Cap 25, Laws of Uganda).  The core mandate of the Commission is to study and keep under constant review the Acts and other laws comprising the Laws of Uganda with a view to making recommendations for their systematic improvement, development, modernization and reform.

Uganda Media Centre(UMC)

P.O.Box 2665 kampala,Uganda, Plot 36, Nile Avenue, Kampala
Contact Phones : +256 414-237-141/3,+256 312 261 525/6/7

OUR MANDATE To effectively facilitate communications of government policies, programmes and projects to the public through the media OUR VISION To cause positive factual public awareness of Uganda OUR MISSION To facilitate the meeting of communication and information needs of government and the people in order to achieve Social, Political & Economic transformation OBJECTIVES • To provide professional media and communication services to government departments • To generate information for dissemination to the public • To standardize government communication • To ensure that the government is fairly and objectively represented in the media • To have a better and clear appreciation of public information and government communication needs • To participate in the development and implementation of government communication information strategy • To foster a positive communication environment between government and the media..

Uganda Medical and Dental Practitioners Council

P.O Box 27345 Kampala, Uganda, Plot 442, Kafeero Zone Road, Mulago, Off Mawanda Road
Contact Phones : +256-414-345844,+256-414-345844
Web Address

Uganda Medical and Dental Practitioners Council (UMDPC), is a quasi-government professional organisation, established by Act of Parliament, responsible for licensing, monitoring and regulating the practice of medicine and dentistry in the country. The organization's mandate includes the regulation of both the practitioners and the practices from where they practice their professions.

The Uganda Medical and Practitioners Council was established in 1913. The laws governing its mandate and functions have been revised from time to time, as the practice of medicine and dentistry has advanced. The current parliamentary act that governs the council was promulgated in 1996. It is known as the "Uganda Medical and Dental Practitioners Act 11, of 1996"

Uganda National Bureau of Standards(UNBS)

Plot 2 - 12, Bypass Link, Industrial & Business park, UNBS - Headquarters
Contact Phones : Toll Free: 0800133133,+256 417 333 250
Web Address

The Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) is a government agency, established by an Act of Parliament of Uganda. The UNBS is responsible for the formulation, promotion of the use of, and the enforcement of standards in protection of the environment, public health and safety.


The main functions of the Uganda National Bureau of Standards are (a) to formulate and promote the use of national standards and (b) to develop quality control and quality assurance systems. The objective is to provide consumer protection, safeguard public safety and health, enhance commercial and industrial development and promote international trade. UNBS is under mandate to develop and promote standardisation, quality assurance, laboratory testing and metrology.


UNBS, in collaboration with other government agencies have launched a campaign to attempt to eliminate sub-standard products from the Ugandan market. 

Uganda National Chamber of Commerce & Industry(UNCCI)

Plot 1, Kira Road
Contact Phones : +256(753)503035,+256(414)503035

The Uganda National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (UNCCI) is the oldest nation-wide umbrella organization for the private sector in Uganda.

Our main objective is to promote and protect the interests of the business community, particularly its members who are represented in all sectors of the economy. The various sectors include, internal and external trade, industry, tourism and, transport, services. UNCCI puts focus on advocating for appropriate economic policies and interventions that encourage a favorable business and investment climate, and working with its members to enhance their capacity to grow and run efficiently. Most importantly UNCCI works with other key partners and players to ensure the enabling environment for the sustainability of the private sector led growth.

Uganda National Council for Science & Technology(UNCST)

P.O.Box 6884, Kampala Uganda, Plot 6, Kimera Road, Ntinda
Contact Phones : -,+256 414 705500
Web Address

The Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST) is a Government of Uganda Agency, established by CAP 209, under the Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development. The Council is mandated to facilitate and coordinate the development and implementation of policies and strategies for integrating Science and Technology (S&T) into the national development process.

Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB)

Plot 35 , Matyrs Way Ntinda, Kampala
Contact Phones : +256 414 286636,+256 414 286635/6/7/8
Web Address

Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) is a national assessment body in Uganda, established in 1983 by an act of Parliament. The UNEB Secretariat is headed by the Executive Secretary, who is the Chief Executive head and the accounting officer of the board. Under the Executive Secretary, the board is a body corporate mandated to conduct and manage examinations in Uganda for the end of the educational cycle at the primary and secondary school level and to conduct examination-related research.

Uganda National Meteorological Authority, UNMA (formerly Department of Meteorology)

Port Bell Road, Luzira, Plot 21/28
Contact Phones : -,+256 414 251798
Web Address

Uganda National Meteorological Authority (formerly Department of Meteorology) under Ministry of Water and Environment is a semi autonomous government institution for weather and climate services (UNMA Act. 2012) and a focal institution to Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), an international body of experts mandated to analyze scientific research findings on climate change. The Government of Uganda (GoU) has always recognized natural resources (including weather and climate) as a basic factor in the country’s national development process. It is well documented and common knowledge that the day to day management and harnessing of all natural resources are largely dependent on the state of the environment, weather and climate. Weather and climate is therefore, an important factor in the social and economic development of the country as it has major influences on the developments of all other sectors of the economy.

Uganda National Police(UNP)

., Katalima Road, Naguru
Contact Phones : Emergency: 999/112,(256) 414233814/ (256) 414250613
Web Address

The Uganda National Police is the national police force of Uganda. The head of the force is called the Inspector General of Police (IGP). Up until April 2014, the official name of the government agency was Uganda Police Force. On that day, the IGP publicly announced the name change

Uganda National roads Authority(UNRA)

P.O. Box 28487 Kampala, Plot 3-5 New Port Bell Road, UAP Nakawa Business Park
Contact Phones : +256 (0) 414 318 111,+256 312 233 100, +256 414 318 000
Web Address

The Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) was established by the National Authority Act, No. 15 of 2006. UNRA became operational on 1st July 2008. The mandate of UNRA is to develop and maintain the national roads network, advise Government on general roads policy and contribute to addressing of transport concerns.

Uganda Prisons Service(UPS)

P.O.BOX 7182, KAMPALA, lot 13/15 Parliament Avenue Parliamentary Avenue, Kampala
Contact Phones : +256 414 256 751,+256 414 342 136
Web Address

The Prisons Act, 2006 provides for the mandate and functions of a Uganda Prisons Service composed of Central and former  Local Government Prisons and spells out the duties of the UPS as to protect, promote and fulfill the rights of those  incarcerated.

 Section 3 spells out the key objective as "to contribute to the protection of all members of society by  providing reasonable, safe, secure and humane custody and rehabilitation of offenders in accordance to universally accepted standards". The Prison Act represents a milestone in penal reform in Uganda. It offers a modernized legal framework for  incarceration, entrenches, human rights in penal policy, caters for the prisoners’ rights, consolidates and strengthens the  management of UPS. It is the mandate of UPS to enforce the new Act.

Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB)

Plot 5, George Street, Kampala, Georgian House
Contact Phones : +256 417 338 100 / +256 712 448 448 ,+256 414 233 219 /Toll Free: 0800 100 006
Web Address

The Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB) is a semi-autonomous government agency, established by Act of Parliament in 1998 in Uganda. URSB is responsible for civil registrations (including marriages and divorces but not including births, adoptions, or deaths), business registrations (setups and liquidations), registration of patents and intellectual property rights, and any other registrations required by law.

Uganda Retirement Benefits Regulatory Authority(URBRA)

P.O. Box 7561, Kampala, Uganda, 3rd – 6th Floor, Plot 1 Clement Hill Rd.
Contact Phones : +256 200 513 500,+256 417 304 500, +256 312 324 500
Web Address

The Uganda Retirement Benefits Regulatory Authority (URBRA) is a government-owned, semi-autonomous agency responsible for regulating, licensing, supervising, and controlling the retirement sector in Uganda, the third-largest economy in the East African Community. The authority is also responsible for issuing guidelines to allow the liberalization of the retirement sector in the country.

URBRA was established by an Act of Parliament of Uganda in 2011. The agency is under the Uganda Ministry of Finance and Economic Development but is semi-autonomous, with a governing board and a management team led by an executive director as the chief executive officer.

Before 2012, there were only two major retirement benefits plans in the country: the Public Employees Retirement Plan, for some civil servants, and the National Social Security Fund (Uganda), for privately employed people whose employers had at least five employees on payroll.

Uganda Revenue Authority (URA)

17 , Hannington Road, Crested Towers, Ground Floor
Contact Phones : +256 41 7440000,0800117000
Web Address

The Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) is a government revenue collection agency established by the Parliament of Uganda. Operating under the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, the URA is responsible for enforcing, assessing, collecting, and accounting for the various taxes imposed in Uganda.

Uganda Road Fund

P.O Box 7501, Kampala, 5th Floor, Twed Towers, Plot 10, Kafu Road Nakasero
Contact Phones : +256 31 2178250,-
Web Address

Uganda Road Fund (URF) was established by an Act of Parliament in 2008 to operate as a 2G (Second Generation) Fund with the objective of financing routine and periodic maintenance of public roads in Uganda from mainly reserved road user charges. Within the East African Region, Uganda was the last country to launch a second-generation road fund. The Fund became operational in 2010. The Fund has a duty to finance the implementation of the Annual Road Maintenance Programmes (ARMP) that are carried out by the Uganda National Roads Authority(UNRA), Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) and the other designated agencies responsible for District, Urban and Community Access Roads. By aspiring to ensure a stable, adequate and timely flow of funds to agencies, the URF provides the opportunity for the implementing agencies to plan for efficiency and effective delivery of maintenance on their respective categories of roads. The anticipated gains due to such stable and predictable financing,

Uganda Tourism Board (UTB)

Plot 42 Lugogo Bypass (Rotary Avenue), Lugogo, Kampala, 6th Floor, Block C, Lugogo House
Contact Phones : +256 414 342 197,+256 414 342 196
Web Address

Tourism in Uganda is focused on Uganda's landscape and wildlife. It is a major driver of employment, investment and foreign exchange, contributing 4.9 trillion Ugandan shillings (US$1.88 billion or €1.4 billion as of August 2013) to Uganda's GDP in the financial year 2012-13.


Tourism can be used to fight poverty in Uganda. There are the tourism companies which employ people directly as drivers, guides, secretaries, accountants etc. These companies sell products to tourists, for example art and crafts, traditional attire. Tourism can also be operated online by the online based companies. Tourist attractions in Uganda include national game parks, game reserves, traditional sites, and natural tropical forests. Traditional occasions like Mbalu in eastern Uganda, boat riding, waterfalls etc.

Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA)

P.0.Box 3530, Kampala. , Plot 7, Kira Road
Contact Phones : Toll Free: 0800100960 ,+256 312 355 000, +256 414 355 000

The Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) is one of the governing bodies that regulate wildlife conservation in Uganda.

UWA manages ten national parks, twelve wildlife reserves, and fourteen wildlife sanctuaries. UWA also provides guidance for five community wildlife areas. It is governed by a board of trustees appointed by the minister responsible for wildlife.

The UWA was established in August 1996 by the Uganda Wildlife Statute, which merged the Uganda National Parks Department with the Uganda Game and Fisheries Department.

Wakiso District Local Government

P.O.Box 7218, Kampala – Uganda, 16 Kilometers along Hoima Road.
Contact Phones : +256 414-670-687 ; +256 414-670-688,+256 414-670-687
Web Address

Formerly part of Mpigi District, it came into existence in 2000, when the 3 counties of Mpigi District-Busiro, Kyadondo and Entebbe Municipality became Wakiso District. The people are Baganda and the main language is Luganda.

Wakiso District is a district in the Central Region of Uganda that partly encircles Kampala, Uganda’s capital city. The town of Wakiso is the site of the district headquarters. Kira, the country’s second-largest city and a suburb of Kampala, is in the district.

Education officer

Nsiike2 , Kironde
Contact Phones : +256777047739,+256753451522
Web Address :
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