Service Information
The Division provides efficient and effective support services to the Centre, Agencies of the Education Secretariat, Schools, teachers and the general public through its Internal Seminars, Workshops on the production of school magazines, Issuance of Educational Information to schools and the general public. It collects, collates analyses and disseminates research and educational data. The Planning Research and Statistics Division carry out its functions through the following Branches Research and Publication Branch: This branch carries out research on topical educational issues. They disseminate information to schools and to the general public. Organizes seminars /workshops and produces handbooks for schools. Planning and Statistics Branch: This branch is responsible for the collection, collation, analysis and storage of educational data. Printing Press Unit: This branch typeset, format, print and bind official documents for the Centre and some Government Agencies.
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Planning Research and Statistics (PRS) | Nigeria
Planning Research and Statistics (PRS)
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Planning Research and Statistics (PRS)